Monday, 19 December 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Okay, it's not really looking a lot like Christmas as we know it.  Firstly, it's summer!  There is no snow around here, only temperatures in the high teens or low twenties.  It rained this past week...not just any rain...solid, downpour rain...all day!  There are signs of Christmas though, in the forms of shopping sales, decorations, Santa villages, etc.

There are Christmas trees at places like the mall and the town 'square' area.  The town square is located in the Central Business District (CBD).  If you want to see a live camera feed to Garden Place ('downtown' where the Christmas tree is located) click here.

 The tree is 25 metres tall (it's pretty big)!

 The 'suburban' mall known as The Base (Te Awa) - Santa display

 take pictures with Santa

 back to the tree in the CBD, all lit up at night