So what do you guys do in New Zealand? Well one of the highlights of the week is going to a weekly Pub Night Quiz! It has been entertaining enough to keep us coming back. Part of the incentive is also winning one of two nightly prizes: 1) a chance at winning the CASH BALL! 2) placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. But really, it's just fun.
Cash Ball:
- Everyone contributes $1 to quiz night. The money goes to the Cash Ball pot
- midway through the night, we are presented with five 50/50 questions (question with two answers - pick one)
- the team that answers the most questions correctly gets a chance to win the pot (e.g. Was Lady Gaga born in NYC or LA?)
- in the case of a tie, there is a tie breaking question (e.g. What year was the telephone invented?; closest to the answer wins)
- this week's pot $964 I think. That's some nice coin, even if you do have to split it amongst 6-10 team members. btw, teams can be as big or small as you'd like. The pot grows by about $40-60 each week.
- But HOW do you win?
- choose a team representative to pick the cards
- shuffle cards, and lay out five cards face down
- you flip over the first card and guess higher or lower for the next card - if you guess wrong you lose
- the object of the game is to over turn all the cards WITHOUT uncovering a joker or the exact same card (e.g. ace followed by another ace)
- it's tougher luck than you think!
And now, a sampling of the questions.
There are different categories: General Knowledge, Sports and Games, Pop Music, Movies, to name a few
You don't have to be a genius, just have a lot of random information stored in your brain. Many of the questions are New Zealand, Australia, UK, or US centric. It helps to have some kiwis on the team because there is no way I know any of their Prime Ministers, or other such information.
This week's questions weren't too bad. These are the ones that I can actually write down and communicate to you. There are parts of the quiz that involve pictures and audio clips (e.g. they play a theme song to a TV show or movie and you have to guess what it is and who the main actors are)
- Who invented the telephone? Name a year he was alive.
- What is more dense - lead or gold?
- How many star signs are used in the Zodiac?
- Who was TIME magazine's man of the year in 1938?
- Which US document begins with "We the people" - The Declaration of Independence, or The American Constitution?
- What year did Sir Edmund Hilary conquer Mount Everest? Who was his companion?
- What is the capital of Australia?
- What is the beginning of a field hockey game called?
- What is the beginning of an ice hockey game called?
- How many rounds are there in an Olympic amateur boxing match?
- Which New Zealander is credited with the introduction of "jogging"?
- Who wrote The Lord of The Rings?
- When Jesus was young he had a job. What was it?
- What country is the Leaning Tower of Pisa located? What was its use? How tall is it?
- What was Indiana Jones searching for in the first movie?
- What is Captain America's secret identity? What is the full and correct name of the movie?
- Who sings "Break my stride" (lyrics sample: Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no I got to keep on movin')?
- What happened on August 4, 1914?
- Anagram (famous person - unscramble letters to get name): GIG JERK CAM
- What year did George Bush become 43rd President?
- In the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, how did the Tortoise win the race?
- Who sings Tik Tok?
- Who is the guy who wears the white shirt and ascot in Scooby Doo (first and last name)?
I could post the answers now...but I think I'll separate it into another post. Let me know if you have a preference!
EDIT: okay I'm adding the answers below! Hopefully the spacing is good enough to keep you from 'accidentally' seeing the answers before you've had a good go at them.
- Alexander Graham Bell; 1847 - 1922
- gold
- 12
- Adolf Hitler
- American Constitution
- 1953; Tenzing Norgay
- Canberra
- Bully Off
- Face Off
- 4
- Arthur Lydiard
- J.R.R. Tolkien
- carpenter
- Italy; bell tower; 56 m
- Ark of the covenant
- Steve Rogers
- Matthew Wilder
- World War I declared
- Mick Jagger
- 2001
- the hare took a rest and fell asleep
- Ke$ha
- Fred Jones