Saturday, 21 December 2013

Who dies on Shortland Street

Even though we can't watch Shortland Street anymore since we're not in the country...we can still read the recaps!

So, it turns out someone dies on Shortland Street!  The Facebook fan page, and website give all these clues as to whom it may or may not be.

Let's try to debunk them...

Each day until Shortland Street returns on January 13th 2014 we will release a clue for you to piece together the secrets that no one else knows. Follow the clues and you and a friend could win a morning tea with Shortland Street stars and a chance to be walk-on extras in one of the 2014 episodes of Shortland Street. Enter the competition here.

Oh man...morning tea and being an extra...

It sounds like Bella making the 111 Emergency call

Sarah tries to text message TK but gets no response.  Does this imply that TK is the one who dies?

This is a trailer video clip that shows a hearse 1) Rachel, who looks to be sitting in the back of a car or hearse, 2) Roimata standing in a cemetary 3) Chris 4) TK 5) Emma 6) Josh.  The it says "for one of them, this is the end"   So a couple of theories here:  it is one of the people in the clip (perhaps one of them is in ghost form); it is no one shown, since they must all be alive if they are shown.

They even drafted up a fake article about the explosion!
The key points in the article are the witness account saying
- I don't know what happened - but I think the deck went down
- they saw four to five body bags being wheeled away from the scene.
...does this mean that all the people from CLUE #3 die?

A fake FB page, with pictures from the Warner Bach Explosion.  Not having seen the actual episodes, I would not know what the characters were wearing before the explosion.  You see a pink jandal, a blue jandal, and two articles of clothing or accessories, a shattered photo of the Warner family.
Some of the comments are hilarious, like RIP towel.

It's a police report listing items of clothing as evidence.  Reading the comments below the clue, it looks like the majority of the clothing belongs to the people in the clue 3 video.

This looks to be clue 3 all over again, but there is a 7a AND 7b version with the text "Can you notice anything different? " Do you see anything?

A ripped up police report about Josh.  He committed an offence on Nov 5.

An encrypted audio recording which sounds like Josh.

CLUE #10
It's an internal police call.  One of the commenters does a superb job cleaning up the audio so you can tell what the other side of the conversation is.  The gist of it, is that evidence has leaked to the media.  It surrounds some documents the police are focusing on.  The media will not know the list of victim(s) until all the families are notified.  So...does one person die? or more than one?

CLUE #11
The clue highlights some words "EVIL KEY VIRUS".  If you unscramble the words, you get "Kylie survives."

CLUE #12
A diagram showing the layout of the bach, where everyone was during the explosion, and the blast radius.  The closest to the blast were Roimata, Harry, and Chris.


There are some things that are really memorable about our time in New Zealand.  The following commercial is one of them.

It is an anti-drunk driving commercial.  If you travel to New Zealand, you will also see signs along the road warning against drunk driving.

Some notable things about the commerical
1) the accents
2) bro
3) ghost chips
4) puzzle time
5) internalizing a complex situation in my head (heeed)

This commercial is soooo New Zealand...