Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Tauranga / Mount Maunganui

This is a day trip you can do from Hamilton.  It's about an hour and a half to drive over there.

In Tauranga, you can check out the local gallery and eat at our fav Fish and Chips place.

It's a short drive over to Mount Maunganui, where you can take the short hike up to the top (45 min or so going up).  You can also walk over the short sand bridge to what once was an island until it was connected by this sand bridge apparently.

There has been a lot of news lately regarding Tauranga.  There was a major oil spill just last week.  The following are pictures taken either that day, or before the spill of the container ship, Rena.  Let's hope the wildlife and surrounding areas do not suffer too much damage.

boats on the beach

balancing rock in the distance (actually, it's one piece)

 log on the beach

 Mount Maunganui

 view part way up the Mount
 stairkeeper (you shall not pass!)
 bird that landed on the bench behind me
 sheep lounging under a tree on the Mount
fish and chips at Fresh Fish Market in Tauranga

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