- What is phonophobia the fear of?
- What is the United States of America's most populated city?
- What is the main spirit in a Singapore Sling: Gin, Vodka, or Whiskey?
- What year was Jitterbug by Wham released?
- List in order of oldest to youngest:
- Barry White
- David Beckham
- Rihanna
- Gabriel Bryne
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Kevin Spacey
- Is the Great Wall of China more or less than 2000 miles?
- Yes or no, do tigers purr?
- Which bear was created by author Michael Bond: Rupert the bear, Winnie the Pooh, Paddington Bear?
- What was Chuck Yeager the first man to do?
- What do people assume happens when you travel to Ireland to kiss the Blarney Stone? Which castle is it in?
- How many players on a baseball team
- Excluding the ball, how many pieces of wooden equipment are used in a game of cricket?
- What is the official language of Argentina?
- Who was the Greek god of the sea? Who was the Roman god of the sea?
- In Notting Hill, what drink did Hugh Grant spill on Julia Roberts: red wine or orange juice?
- Della Street was the secretary to which well known TV detective: Chief Ironside or Perry Mason?
- What was the first flavour of gum produced by Wrigley's: juicy fruit or spearmint?
- The Gulf of Bothnia is part of which sea?
- Often associated with tires, what rating system is associated with restaurants? What is the maximum number of stars you can get?
- To the nearest mile, what is the distance an olympic marathon?
- In Scrabble, what is the value of the letter 'Z'?
- What is the capital city of Jordan?
- List from oldest to youngest:
- Ben Stiller
- Charles Manson
- Cameron Diaz
- Richie McCaw
- Clint Eastwood
- Dan Carter
- Anagram: PERKY TRAY
- List from oldest to youngest:
- OJ Simpson
- Brad Pitt
- Tom Hanks
- Katy Perry
- Bryan Adams
- Steve Irwin
that's it for now...
- loud noises
- New York
- David Beckham
- Gin
- 1984
- oldest to youngest:
- Barry White
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Gabriel Bryne
- Kevin Spacey
- David Beckham
- Rihanna
- more
- no
- Paddington Bear
- break the sound barrier
- you get the gift of gab, found in Castle Blarney
- 9
- 12 pieces of wood; two wickets of 3 stumps and 2 bails each, and two bats
- Cliff Richard
- Spanish
- Poseidon (Greek), Neptune (Roman)
- orange juice
- Perry Mason
- Juicy Fruit
- Baltic Sea
- Michelin, 3 stars
- 26 miles
- 10
- Amman
- listed from oldest to youngest:
- Clint Eastwood (1930)
- Charles Manson (1934)
- Ben Stiller ( 1965)
- Cameron Diaz (1972)
- Richie McCaw (1980)
- Dan Carter (1982)
- Katy Perry
- Listed from oldest to youngest:
- OJ Simpson (1947)
- Tom Hanks (1956)
- Bryan Adams (1959)
- Steve Irwin (1962)
- Brad Pitt (1963)
- Katy Perry (1984)