Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Quiz Questions and Answers

A few weeks of accumulated questions...


  1. What is phonophobia the fear of?
  2. What is the United States of America's most populated city?
  3. Anagram: DICKHEAD AMBV
  4. What is the main spirit in a Singapore Sling: Gin, Vodka, or Whiskey?
  5. What year was Jitterbug by Wham released?
  6. List in order of oldest to youngest:
    • Barry White
    • David Beckham
    • Rihanna
    • Gabriel Bryne
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger
    • Kevin Spacey
  7. Is the Great Wall of China more or less than 2000 miles?
  8. Yes or no, do tigers purr?
  9. Which bear was created by author Michael Bond: Rupert the bear, Winnie the Pooh, Paddington Bear?
  10. What was Chuck Yeager the first man to do?
  11. What do people assume happens when you travel to Ireland to kiss the Blarney Stone?  Which castle is it in?
  12. How many players on a baseball team
  13. Excluding the ball, how many pieces of wooden equipment are used in a game of cricket?
  14. Anagram: CHIC FLAIR FDR
  15. What is the official language of Argentina?
  16. Who was the Greek god of the sea?  Who was the Roman god of the sea?
  17. In Notting Hill, what drink did Hugh Grant spill on Julia Roberts: red wine or orange juice?
  18. Della Street was the secretary to which well known TV detective: Chief Ironside or Perry Mason?
  19. What was the first flavour of gum produced by Wrigley's: juicy fruit or spearmint?
  20. The Gulf of Bothnia is part of which sea?
  21. Often associated with tires, what rating system is associated with restaurants?  What is the maximum number of stars you can get?
  22. To the nearest mile, what is the distance an olympic marathon?
  23. In Scrabble, what is the value of the letter 'Z'?
  24. What is the capital city of Jordan?
  25. List from oldest to youngest:
    • Ben Stiller
    • Charles Manson
    • Cameron Diaz
    • Richie McCaw
    • Clint Eastwood
    • Dan Carter
  26. Anagram: PERKY TRAY
  27. List from oldest to youngest:
    • OJ Simpson
    • Brad Pitt
    • Tom Hanks
    • Katy Perry
    • Bryan Adams
    • Steve Irwin

that's it for now...


  1. loud noises
  2. New York
  3. David Beckham
  4. Gin
  5. 1984
  6. oldest to youngest:
    1. Barry White
    2. Arnold Schwarzenegger
    3. Gabriel Bryne
    4. Kevin Spacey
    5. David Beckham
    6. Rihanna
  7. more
  8. no
  9. Paddington Bear
  10. break the sound barrier
  11. you get the gift of gab, found in Castle Blarney
  12. 9
  13. 12 pieces of wood; two wickets of 3 stumps and 2 bails each, and two bats
  14. Cliff Richard
  15. Spanish
  16. Poseidon (Greek), Neptune (Roman)
  17. orange juice
  18. Perry Mason
  19. Juicy Fruit
  20. Baltic Sea
  21. Michelin, 3 stars
  22. 26 miles
  23. 10
  24. Amman
  25. listed from oldest to youngest:
    1. Clint Eastwood (1930)
    2. Charles Manson (1934)
    3. Ben Stiller ( 1965)
    4. Cameron Diaz (1972)
    5. Richie McCaw (1980)
    6. Dan Carter (1982)
  26. Katy Perry
  27. Listed from oldest to youngest:
    1. OJ Simpson (1947)
    2. Tom Hanks (1956)
    3. Bryan Adams (1959)
    4. Steve Irwin (1962)
    5. Brad Pitt (1963)
    6. Katy Perry (1984)

1 comment:

  1. I almost wish that you would delay posting the answers by a day or two so that I resist the temptation to read them straight away!
