- In which year did Captain Cook discover New Zealand?
- Which CSI actor played Lieutenant Dan Taylor in the movie Forrest Gump?
- What number bus was Forrest Gump waiting for in the movie?
- What character is actor Burt Ward known for playing?
- What is a female rabbit called?
- Gene Roddenberry created which long running TV programme: Bonanza or Star Trek?
- Is Shawn Carter better known in America as the rapper Jay Z or 50 Cent?
- Who is the inventor of the TV? Name any year that he lived.
- What is the capital city of the state of Oklahoma?
- What is the name given to the observance where Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights int he desert?
- All modern cameras tend to use an SD card. What does S and D stand for?
- What is the only anagram that can be made from the word "English"
- One of the biggest operations of WWII was code named "Operation Overlord." What was that operation?
- What is the hardest and softest mineral known to mankind?
- Anagram: I LIKE EM YOUNG
- List in order of oldest to youngest:
- Bill Gates
- Sven Goran Erickson
- Jesse Ryder
- 50 cent
- Catherine Zeta Jones
- Kylie Minogue
- What is the capital city of Norway?
- From 1841 - 1846, New Zealand was divided into 3 provinces - name two of them.
- How many movies did Elvis make, more or less than 20?
Let's leave it at that for now...there are a few more to add to this list, but for the sake of you go!
- 1769
- Gary Sinise
- bus number 9
- Robin (from Batman)
- doe
- Star Trek
- Jay Z
- John Logie Baird, 1888 - 1946
- Oklahoma City
- Lent
- Secure Digital
- shingle
- Battle of Normandy
- diamond and talc
- Kylie Minogue
- oldest to youngest:
- Sven Goran Erickson - 1948
- Bill Gates - 1955
- Kylie Minogue - 1968
- Catherine Zeta Jones - 1969
- 50 cent - 1975
- Jesse Ryder - 1984
- Michael Caine
- Oslo
- New Ulster, New Munster, New Leinster
- more than 20 (31)
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