Friday, 10 August 2012

Quiz Questions and Answers

I reckon you'll get only a few more posts of quiz questions and answers before there is a semi-permanent to permanent hiatus due to other enjoy!


  1. In which year did Captain Cook discover New Zealand?
  2. Which CSI actor played Lieutenant Dan Taylor in the movie Forrest Gump?
  3. What number bus was Forrest Gump waiting for in the movie?
  4. What character is actor Burt Ward known for playing?
  5. What is a female rabbit called?
  6. Gene Roddenberry created which long running TV programme: Bonanza or Star Trek?
  7. Is Shawn Carter better known in America as the rapper Jay Z or 50 Cent?
  8. Who is the inventor of the TV?  Name any year that he lived.
  9. What is the capital city of the state of Oklahoma?
  10. What is the name given to the observance where Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights int he desert?
  11. All modern cameras tend to use an SD card.  What does S and D stand for?
  12. What is the only anagram that can be made from the word "English"
  13. One of the biggest operations of WWII was code named "Operation Overlord."  What was that operation?
  14. What is the hardest and softest mineral known to mankind?
  15. Anagram: I LIKE EM YOUNG
  16. List in order of oldest to youngest:
    • Bill Gates
    • Sven Goran Erickson
    • Jesse Ryder
    • 50 cent
    • Catherine Zeta Jones
    • Kylie Minogue
  17. Anagram: A LICE MACHINE
  18. What is the capital city of Norway?
  19. From 1841 - 1846, New Zealand was divided into 3 provinces - name two of them.
  20. How many movies did Elvis make, more or less than 20?
Let's leave it at that for now...there are a few more to add to this list, but for the sake of you go!


  1. 1769
  2. Gary Sinise
  3. bus number 9
  4. Robin (from Batman)
  5. doe
  6. Star Trek
  7. Jay Z
  8. John Logie Baird, 1888 - 1946
  9. Oklahoma City
  10. Lent
  11. Secure Digital
  12. shingle
  13. Battle of Normandy
  14. diamond and talc
  15. Kylie Minogue
  16. oldest to youngest:
    1. Sven Goran Erickson - 1948
    2. Bill Gates - 1955
    3. Kylie Minogue - 1968
    4. Catherine Zeta Jones - 1969
    5. 50 cent - 1975
    6. Jesse Ryder - 1984
  17. Michael Caine
  18. Oslo
  19. New Ulster, New Munster, New Leinster
  20. more than 20 (31)

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